Ball Team at trade booth in Paris

Paris Packaging Week 2024 (PPW) has established itself as a key innovation hub for the aerosol packaging industry in Europe. Every year, the most prestigious and forward-thinking players in the aerosol value chain come together to showcase the forefront of aerosol technology and design.

Ball Aerosol Packaging displays latest innovations at Paris Packaging Week

January 24, 2024

For Ball Aerosol Packaging, it’s an invaluable opportunity to tap into the rapid evolution and adaptability of the sector, reflecting the ever-changing demands of consumers and the global market. Sustainable, smart, and user-centric designs were revealed, highlighting the industry's collective response to an unprecedented need for environmental responsibility and consumer preferences. This constant evolution is a driving force, pushing boundaries and redefining what is possible in aerosol packaging.

Jay Billings, President, Ball Aerosol Packaging, has attended PPW for more than a decade and remains as impressed as ever with the dynamic industry-wide innovation in evidence this year: “I’ve been attending Paris Packaging Week for 15 years. This year’s edition underscored the importance of innovative packaging in the aerosol sector, aligning with our corporate mission to deliver exceptional value through sustainable and user-centric designs. Once again, a truly inspirational week.”

Decarbonizing the aluminum value chain

Committed to actively contributing to the debates that shape the aerosol packaging industry, Predrag Ozmo, Director of Sustainability at Ball Corporation, took part in a panel discussion on Driving Change Together: Partnerships for Decarbonization of the Aluminium Value Chain alongside industry experts Shelley Ranii, Director of Global Marketing CFA at Alcoa, Philip Jagger, Aerosol Can Technology and Capability Manager at Unilever, hosted by Simon Dufaur, Head Strategy and Consulting, MCI Group.

During the discussion, Predrag highlighted Ball's Climate Transition Plan, unveiled in 2023, which aims for net zero by 2050 focusing on real decarbonization with unprecedented transparency.

Ball is actively exploring diverse approaches to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of its aerosol cans through optimization of operations by addressing electricity and gas usage in can manufacturing and decarbonizing heat in slug-making facilities, investing in renewable energy and heavily focusing and investing in advanced lightweighting, low carbon primary aluminum and increased recycling rates and recycled content.

Collaboration and partnerships throughout the value chain are fundamental for this decarbonization journey, exemplified by initiatives like the Aluminum Cup collaboration in Davos, a result of collaboration between Ball Corporation, Novelis and Alcoa, made of 90% recycled aluminum and 10% ultra-low carbon aluminum, produced with #Elysis technology.

Increased collaboration, knowledge sharing and collective innovation light the way for the aluminum industry and its decarbonization goals. Overcoming challenges around carbon intensity, collection, consumer education, with focus on the essential role of recycled aluminum in complying with circular economy principles, are the shared drivers behind these industry partnerships.

The transformative power of strategic partnerships in decarbonizing the aluminum value chain. Collaboration, knowledge-sharing and innovation drive meaningful change.
The aluminum industry and aerosol cans have a clear path to net zero by 2050.

Key interactions at Paris Packaging Week

Throughout the event, our dedicated leaders on the ground in Paris @Jay Billings, @Victoria Marletta, @Predrag Ozmo, and @Sylvain Brisseau spoke with media from across Europe, including EUWID, CanTech International, Etik&Pack, Emballage Magazine and Cape Decision, to discuss the ever-growing demand for aerosol products and technologies as well as the latest packaging innovations for cosmetics, pharma and household applications. Over the course of these conversations, they highlighted Ball’s role as a market leader and pioneer for innovation, as well as our efforts to educate consumers about sustainability and responsible practices in the industry.

In parallel, our numerous interactions with customers were truly insightful, paving the way to stronger business relationships. Frequently in-depth, these discussions went into significant detail, building a growing understanding of customer needs, preferences, and challenges.

Victoria Marletta, Vice President (Commercial) relished the opportunity for collaboration and in-depth discussion: "Paris Packaging Week 2024 was an enriching experience, and engaging with peers and market leaders was a major highlight. The aerosol packaging section showcased impressive cross-functional innovations, emphasizing the potential for inter-industry collaboration. It was great to have the chance to talk with key media representatives and to share insights into market trends and the future of the industry.

Looking Forward

The significance of continuous and active learning, and relationship-building in shaping the packaging industry's future, cannot be underemphasized. As innovation and sustainability demands continue to rapidly evolve, staying informed and fostering strong industry connections are essential for staying ahead of the curve.

Together, the aluminum aerosol packaging industry is poised to bring about meaningful change and pave the way for a sustainable future.