Ball Donations Make an Impact in South American Communities

Ball Donations Make an Impact in South American Communities

July 29, 2020

As we all continue to face challenges brought by the pandemic, Ball continues to live our purpose by getting aid to where it’s needed most. South America’s vulnerable communities have been heavily impacted by the pandemic. Through our Ball COVID-19 Relief Program, team members in South America donated more than 370,000 medical supply items to 110 medical institutions, entities and non-profit partners in Águas Claras, Brasília, Argentina, Chile, Extrema, Pouso Alegre, Recife, São José dos Campos, Paraguai, Manaus, Jacareí, Três Rios and Santa Cruz.

Medical PPEs and ambulances to State Health Secretariat – Amazon State

One of the key donations was allocated to Amazon state, one of the most affected by the coronavirus in Brazil. In partnership with the Brazilian Association of Soft Drink Industries (ABIR), Ball supplied more than 70,000 medical personal protective equipment (PPE) to the State Health Secretariat. The donations included N95 masks, aprons, safety overalls, pillowcases and hospital sheets. The secretariat is distributing the supplies through all public medical facilities at the state to support frontline workers.

Ball partnered with the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS), the National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI) and the State Health Secretariat to donate speedboats that will be adapted as ambulances used to help the large indigenous population in the Amazon. The ambulances, also known as “ambulanchas,” will serve the indigenous and riverside communities in critical situations that need to be transported to Manaus, the capital, in order for patients to receive appropriate medical assistance. This activation will support 20 communities in the Mamirauá Reserve and the indigenous community of Munduruku, consisting of 13 villages.

Basic food kits and hygiene kits for at-risk group cared by MUPA Manaus  –  Amazonas state

Ball’s support to Amazon state also included a donation to MUPA, a non-profit organization that has been working for the social inclusion of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. The pandemic has halted daily therapies for children who need professional accompaniment psychologically or speech or music therapy.
As children are accustomed to these routines, some children have experienced crises resulting in parents taking leave from work watch over their children. We donated everyday items such as hygiene kits, groceries, and more to these families so they have on less thing to worry about.

“I felt very happy to realize that Ball was not only concerned with its employees, but also with the local community that needs donations like these,” said Helder Macedo Carneiro, Ball production technician.

In addition, Ball also supported five other institutions chosen by the employees of Manaus plant. The donations benefited 750 families and 80 recyclable material collectors, and included more than 1,300 basic food kits and hygiene items including diaper packs, soap, hand sanitizer, diaper ointments, and more than 3,500 medical personal protective equipment like aprons, gloves and masks.

Medical PPEs and hygiene kits to State Health Secretariat and Cabo Santo Agostinho Field Hospital – Pernambuco State of Brazil

Pernambuco, another Brazilian state heavily impacted by COVID-19, received a donation from Ball, which included 83,000 medical personal protective equipment, (PPE) such as gloves, masks and aprons that were given for the State Health Secretariat, as well as 100 units of hand sanitizer and 27,000medical PPEs for the Cabo Santo Agostinho Campaign Hospital.